Like many of you, I work in an industry averaging 12-14 hour days with limited access to healthy foods. We are inundated by a plethora of junk foods that is supposed to sustain us throughout our shifts. Too many times I felt rundown regardless of how much I hate or the caffeine I consumed. When your body cannot get its proper rest, then what we eat and drink becomes ever more paramount.
Like many of you, I eat right at home but when I get to work its another story. So I started bringing my own food, but some days that’s not possible due to strenuous hours. In order to survive work, let alone life I knew I had to give my body consistently healthy foods and drinks. Healthy eating had to become the main character and not the supporting cast. I believed others felt the same way too and thus Yummytowne was born.
Yummytowne is the brand you can rely on for the freshest, highest quality and latest crops of organic produce, grains, drinks and treats! It is the brand known for food pairings along with methods of cooking to maximize nutrition. Because we all lead busy lives, it is important to me for Yummytowne to deliver food and drinks meant for daily consumption. It is also important to me to create meals and drinks that puts a smile on people’s faces out of pure enjoyment. No other creative endeavor heightens all 5 of your senses at once the way food can — and in my mind cooking is a celebratory event!!
I embarked on the medicinal side of food when a loved one developed serious health problems. I learned what foods to avoid and which foods require regular consumption. As these areas of my knowledge grew so did my passion and respect for food’s multi-levels of functionality. I apply a sensible approach to the science and medicine of food: focusing on the synergistic properties and reducing the harmful compounds while conversely increasing the healthy components naturally found in our food.
I want to take away the stress of finding something to eat. I want to remove the anxieties over whether something is good for you or not. I want to provide peace of mind to you so that when you see the Yummytowne logo you know not only is it super healthy but it’s also super good!!
Indeed food is medicine, food is energy, food is fun, food is love!